Film dream
Cat things
Story ideas
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AT&T Commercial

A train station

To build mambo-fish

Defend the castle...the final episode

A great flash game site

My turn and need a turn

Mansion impossible


Angkorwat journey

Why WTO is so bad for us?
AT&T Commercial
Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Advert about the innovation of said company.

A train station
Thursday, June 01, 2006

Because of my short montage, I visited this small train station. According to my memory, it was very small and sparsely populated. Nowadays, all the circumstances were changed. A new constructed station would replace this old one. The railways would be reformed. Although this is not a right scene for my short film, I feel a little unspeakable sad. Maybe it's just about the passing time. Old one, new one, finally I can only catch no one. Ehhhhh..

看小站將變成新穎的大站, 有點能理解鐵道迷的惋惜, 但人生是這樣的, 再細細想, 也沒有什麼是真抓得住的, 這回鐵道夜戲, 就好好弄一場.

To build mambo-fish
Saturday, April 01, 2006

Finally, I make a decision to build up my own company for film production. We named it Mambo fish. Why is that? Just a marvellous feel from our heart. When we pronounce the word in Chinese, it's a feel about some cute and happy things. Cuz we named our company as that.
My company is purely for film and video production. I am not sure if we can make money by purely creating what we want. But it surely will be fun as a long jounery.
公司要開了, 叫曼波魚, 公司部落格, 能游多遠就游多遠吧.

2005 My first screenplay/script "Dragon Eye Congee-A dream of love" was nominated in AFFF ( the best screenplay/scritp of competition section)
The Donation I got these days
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